Saturday, September 10, 2011

Another Shawl, Wouldn't You Know It?

So, I've kind of had it on the socks.  They weren't as evil and challenging as I assumed, once I got the pattern down, so I'm starting to find them too easy.  As a result, what did I do?  I decided to move on and do something else with my time, at least for a little while.  The sock is kind of something I just pick up every day to struggle through it, even though I'm really kind of ready to stop working on it all together.

Just a couple of days ago I cast on another project.  This one is a shawl.  I got the yarn and the pattern a while back from a swap partner.  It was beautiful, and there was enough there to make a shawl for both my daughter and I.  Actually, I think there's enough there that I could probably make several shawls with it if I knit them to the size of the original shawlette.  The pattern is the Percy Shawl.  While I love it, it's got it's own evil measure.

See, as much as I've knit lace before, I've never really knit lace with lace weight yarn.  The Knit Picks kits I've gotten to this point are all worked with two strands of yarn held together, which makes it pretty much the same as sock yarn.  It's not on nearly such fine needles either.  That means it's going to be all around easier to work with.  I know some people have problems using two bits of yarn at once, and I have to admit, it did take me some time to get used to, but the truth is, it's really not all that bad.  Working with this super fine yarn, though, that's it's own challenge all together.  Not only are the needles tiny, which means each row is very tiny and fine, but I'm working with incredibly fine yarn.  I have a feeling this shawl is going to take a lot more hours of work than the other two.  I was hoping to get my daughter's done by Christmas, but now I'm not sure that's even realistic.  I'm just at the beginning and I feel like the rows are starting to take forever.

I can honestly say this is really my first big lace project.  I've never had a lace project quite like this before.  Though my internet is pretty unreliable, I'm going to try and get some pictures up of the progress and all of that. If there's one thing I can say about lace knitting, it's that the time it takes means there's plenty of opportunities for photos.  I think this is really going to be it for me, the point at which I either love or hate lace knitting.