Wednesday, November 4, 2015

So Very Busy

A Minion, Madeline Hatter, Ash, and Rainbow Butterfly Princess
Man, it's been a crazy week!  Last weekend was Halloween, which was a blast.  We went trick-or-treating at a friend's house this year, which worked out incredibly well.  The kids all looked great!  But it was colder than they expected it to be.  It wasn't a huge haul of candy, but I'm okay with that.  A mountain of candy is fun, but with moving and everything, it's so much better to have an amount that can be gone before we've got to move it to a new house.

Next year I hope to get even more creative with it.  I'd love to get to the point where I can make all the costumes for the kids.  That would be exciting.  I remember my mom making costumes for my sister and me.  It was always the best part of the year, picking out the patterns and watching them come together.  It was so much better than shopping for a costume from a store.  I've always missed that part of the holiday, but time and energy have really kind of gotten in the way, especially with four kids!  That's a lot of costumes to make!

Over Halloween weekend I did a lot of knitting, and pretty much anything to distract from the writing I should be doing.  I knit in the car on Halloween.  The next day I sat down and focused as much as I could between shopping for the new apartment and trying to get the house organized.  It was crazy chaotic.  All of this moving stuff has me run ragged.  It feels like I have no time for anything else!

And that second sock was no dream.  I kept making silly mistakes, like using the wrong decrease for half of the heel.  I had to go back and fix it.  It was going to drive me nuts if I didn't.  There were so many parts of that sock I swear I went back and fixed two or three times, which was funny because the first sock went together like nothing, aside from the endless rows at the end.  The second sock was complication after complication.  I was so proud of myself when I finally got past the heel and was able to move on to the next phase of the sock.  In comparison to the rest of it, the leg and cuff I could practically knit in my sleep.  It was easy and relaxing, even with all the crazy going on in my life.  That was exactly what I needed.  I honestly think that may have been what caused me all the troubles before, settling in and viewing it as easy, relaxing knitting.  I lost focus and made silly mistakes.

Over the weekend I wanted to check out best buy, look at options for games for the kids.  I found some great ones, but I also found a new Yoshi game for the Wii U.  It was awesome.  It was epic!  It involved yarn!!!

Of course, most of this stuff looks crocheted, not knit, but it's still super cute.  I'd never before seen a game so tailored to me!  You know what I want for Christmas, don't you?  Yup, my mind has been made up.

Then again, gaming would take away from my knitting time, and would cut into my writing time.  That's a challenge I really don't want to face right now.  I've got enough on my plate.  Still, there's nothing wrong with dreaming of the perfect life, one where all of my games are made with woolly goodness!  I think I would be in heaven at the perfect unification of my geek life and my crafty life.  I think that's a fantastic blend right there.  I could play that game for hours!  At least until I realized it was just a regular Yoshi game, and therefore still incredibly frustrating to me, but it would take longer because of all the cool yarn stuff.  It's a brilliant idea!

And finally, just today, I finished that pair of socks.  I still have two more pairs to knit, even in the middle of this insane move.  I'm not sure I'm going to get it done in time.  I may need to rethink this plan, or to leave lovely notes.  It's just to my kids, who know how hard I've been working this season to get everything done.  It's positively exhausting!  I'm even considering blowing off writing so I can crawl into bed early.  I'm completely wiped.

To think, I've got all of Christmas in front of me still.  As hard as it's going to be, I'm going to have to survive the Christmas season.  That means family events, Christmas lights and the whole nine yards.  I think I might  just drop before Thanksgiving and stay down until well after the new year has begun!  It definitely more suits my speed these days!