Wednesday, November 2, 2016

And Now One For Mom

Yeah, I'm still on the kick.  I'm knitting up yet another Slouched Tuva Hat.  This one is for my mom, which I'm really loving the way it's turning out.  The colors play in a much different way than they did on the pink one.  I really like it much better.  If it weren't for the fact that I think my mom would like this one better than the gray, I'd keep this one!  Who knows, I may still decide to yet.

Since I've got the picture there, I have to point out that cake of yarn.  Isn't it lovely?  One might even say it's very proper looking.  It almost looks like it, say, came off a yarn baller.  Well, it didn't.  I actually caked that yarn by hand.  Can you believe it?  By hand!  I can't make a ball of yarn to save my life, but since I've learned how to make it look like a cake of yarn, I've never stopped doing it this way.  It looks awesome and it's so incredibly practical.  The only down side is it doesn't work so well as a center pull, but I haven't been using center pull balls anyway.  The ball of yarn falls apart too much when you get to that outside edge, meaning I have to redo the end of the ball anyway.  This may result in more yarn bouncing around, but at least I know the yarn will be in a nice, solid little ball when I'm done and I can stow away the leftover stuff for later.

One would think I'd be sick of these hats by now, but I'm really not.  I love the way the yarn is coming together differently for each hat.  You can see in this picture the way the yarn almost stripes on the pink hat, but it doesn't really do that at all on the purple one.  If I had to take bets, I'm guessing the gray one is going to be similar to the pink one.  We'll see how they turn out.

Seeing the two of these hats together makes me feel really accomplished.  This feels like the most knitting I've done in a long time, even if it is just because each project is smaller and therefore done quicker.  It may be less stitches than a pair of socks, but it feels like I've gotten so much more done.  It's more of a feeling of instant gratification.  Undoubtedly I'll be on to the third hat, or at least balling up the yarn, by tonight, if not tomorrow morning at the latest.  There's something instant gratification about it that really has me inspired to keep on knitting.  Now I just need to find the yarn to make a whole stack of these hats up so all the kids can have one!

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