Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Knitting Group

As much as I've met up with the local knitters, I've never really attended a kitting group.  I mean, I did join up with them at one point at the coffee house.  I suppose that was technically meeting up with the knitting group, but it was different, in a way.  I wasn't a regular member and I never did go back.  I wasn't really a part of anything.  It was more of a one shot deal.

Things have changed.  There is now a local yarn store.  They opened up a while back, but I haven't been able to make it.  I've been trying to get in for their knitting groups, but mornings really aren't my thing.  The idea of dragging a baby and possibly two older children while trying to knit on top of it all wasn't terribly appealing, no matter how kid friendly the space was.  I just didn't feel up to it.

Well, I went yesterday.  I did have kids with me, so I didn't  really get to knit, but I had a good time.  It was nice to get out and interact with other knitters.  I have to admit, I don't seem to have much in common with any of them at this point in time, but that doesn't matter.  Many of them are older, so I feel a little out of place.  It's hard to feel like you fit in when most of the other people there have grandchildren and I've got a newborn baby of my own.  It feels a little awkward at first!  I can't imagine we will have much in common beyond knitting, but that's okay.  Maybe I'll find myself more into knitting than I thought.  After all, that's how I was with bellydance.  I didn't have anything in common with my dance friends but dance, and with many, we didn't even share the same style.  However, we had something in common, so that was enough.

Not only have I started in with the knitting group, but I'm going to be joining their knit-along.  It's for a pattern that I wasn't really in love with when I looked at.  The Clapotis is nice and all, but it's kind of a trendy thing to make.  Almost everyone I know has made one at this point, at least, if they're a serious knitter.  I didn't want to do something that trendy no matter how much I might love the pattern.  This time, though, it's different.  I want to be a part of something.  It's a group effort, even though everyone will have their own finished project.  It just makes me feel more like a part of the greater knitting community.

I think I'm definitely going to make the knitting group a part of my week, twice a week if I can.  I really enjoyed it, and I hope the more I get to know people, the more I'll feel at home there.  They don't judge me because I'm different.  They don't nose into the personal details of my life.  They don't feed me opinions on how I raise my kids or what I've chosen to do with my life.  They don't even really ask me about my life at all!  It's all about the knitting and talking about happy things.  I've never met a group with so little drama!  I can't wait to go back!

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