Friday, October 16, 2015

Thinking Pink?

I was knitting on my latest socks, all in their happy pink, when I made a crazy observation, I wear more pink than I think I do!  I hadn't even thought about this.  Looking at the socks I've made in my life, there's a huge representation of pink.  It was pretty shocking.

The first socks I ever knit were kind of a teal and blue worsted weight yarn.  They were crazy thick, but I was proud of myself.  This was maybe my eighth knitting project ever?  Thinking about it, this sock was not well thought out.  It was worsted weight wool, which later got felted.  It was thick, heavy, and warm, much to warm for living in Texas at the time.  My then husband was deployed to Iraq and I was feeling homesick in the dead of summer.  I kept telling myself I would need warm stuff for winter, having never done a Texas winter before.  I'd tried to justify it by saying I would be home for Christmas.  It just wasn't a well planned project.  I think I may have worn them twice.  I don't have a picture of them, and sometimes I'm glad for that.  I'm not sure I knew what I was thinking at that point.

I didn't knit socks again for quite some time.  It was almost two years later when I got the bug.  I found a pattern for illusion knit socks of the Cheshire Cat.  I loved those socks.  They were gray and white, and my first real sock knitting, short row heel and everything.  Somehow I lost them in my last big move, which breaks my heart.  I still have no idea what happened to them.

Again, it took about a year, maybe closer to two before I knit another pair of socks for myself.  Most of what I'd been doing was for other people or large, complex patterns.  It wasn't until I got Sock Innovation that I decided to try my hand at another pair of socks for me.  It was all of my third pair of socks and the only ones I still have, in pink and purple.  It was a beautiful handpainted yarn, and though it's specifically not a superwash, the socks have been through the washer more times than I can count, yet somehow they still look beautiful.  I've since learned not to buy yarns I can't wash, but I think I might still do it anyway.  This was what led me to realize I have a thing for pink socks.  I'm wearing them today and realized the socks I'm knitting now are, yet again, a blend of pink and purple.

It was perhaps three years before I made another pair of socks, some lovely green ones with evergreen trees as a border.  I really love them, and still wear them all the time.  They're such a pretty color!  I keep telling myself I need to knit more blues, greens, grays, have socks in all sorts of colors.

This year I feel like I'm spoiling myself.  I've already made one pair of socks for myself this year and I'm working on another pair.  I don't exactly have yarn to make more right now, but that can be changed.  However, what colors were the two pairs of socks I knit this year?  My black rose socks are black and pink, and, of course, you know the others are pink and purple.  I'm starting to think I have an addiction to pink, which is especially funny because I proclaimed how much I hated pink for years!  Pink was far too girly for me, and I was not a girly person.  Clearly things have changed.

So what does that mean?  I currently have four pairs of hand knit socks in my size, one green, and four in shades of pink.  I think I have a problem, or maybe it's an addiction.  Maybe I just like pink socks?  I'm not entirely sure what the deal is.  All I know is I've got to do more socks, because I need them.  Four pairs of hand knit socks does not even get me through a week!  Between all the feet to knit socks for in this house, I've got a lot of sock knitting in my future!

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