Monday, July 31, 2017

Catamaran, Hue Shift Afghan, and the Cardigan

I finished the cardigan!  I don't have a picture of it yet, but it's done.  I'm going to try and get a picture of it with my dress for the wedding, but we'll see how that works out.  I figure it would be a good way to show it off.  I'll probably even get all dolled up to do it, if I can ever find what I did with my makeup.  I guess I'm not that feminine after all, even if my taste in knits tends that way.

Just after I finished the sweater I started a new shawl, the Catamaran Shawl from Knit Picks.  Let me first say that this is the strangest yarn I've ever knit with.  The name "Lindy Chain" is totally appropriate.  It seems like it's one thin thread that's looped in on itself to form one long chain.  It was a little disconcerting when I started the project because the texture was so weird.  I was beginning to think I would hate this project, but I think I start out all my projects with this attitude of "This isn't what I expected."

All knit up it looks like any other yarn.  On the knit side it even feels like any other yarn.  The purl side has a strange texture, but I'm finding as I work with it I don't dislike it.  I can't say I love it and this is my new favorite yarn ever (that goes to the yarn for the sweater), but I think I'm going to be pretty happy with it in the long run.  It's not a gooshy yarn, so it doesn't attract every piece of dog hair in the house either,which is nice.  It's nice to have one garment in the house that's not going to need to be hit with a lint brush every time I want to leave the house, especially for something nice and summery like this.

I wasn't totally sure about the contrast of colors either.  When I picked the kit I got, the white and green just called to me.  The original gray tones were nice, but I kind of felt like gray would just be lost on me.  I wanted something with a bit more fun.  That's why I chose the white and green.  I just had second thoughts for a moment when I saw the two in my hands and realized just how dark the green really was.

Thankfully, seeing the two colors worked together I felt a lot more comfortable with what I was knitting up.  The green and white go really well together.  I just wish I had a picture with the two in the sunlight because it's a really flattering combination.  It actually makes me think of Ireland, though I'm not sure why.  It didn't take much to restore my confidence in these colors.  They look absolutely fantastic together.

And the more I knit with this yarn, the more I realize I was exactly right when I decided to get this shawl.  It's going to be a wonderful piece for when the weather starts to change, or even with the weather we've had lately, where I want a little bit of something, but I don't want to put on a full sweater or anything.  The colors will be nice in the spring and throughout the summer, which means I'll get a lot of wear out of this.  I've already got a sunflower shawl for late summer and the fall/winter shawl from Knit Picks all those years ago for fall.  This will be great for the seasons where I've got nothing for the weather.

As for the project list, I'm slowly making way on the Hue Shift Afghan again too!  I have to admit, I like Section 2 much more than I like Section 1.  That means I'll have two sections that I like this much.  I think I'll like Section 3 even more.  I guess I just have a thing for cool colors, which is what Section 3 will be, but the blend I've got going on now is actually pretty cool.  I'm not liking all of the colors blended together, but it's coming along pretty well.  I don't have a more recent photo, but I've started the third row on this section, which lightens up the whole piece.  There's going to be a pale green and yellow after this, and then the section will be finished.  It's working up pretty quickly.

I have to say, I've started to work into a rhythm with this blanket.  Every time I knit a square I weave in the ends right away.  I hate weaving in the ends at the points of the squares, so this saves me from having to do a bunch of them all at once.  It also leaves my work nice and neat, which definitely helps.  I like being able to pull my work out and not have a bunch of strands hanging off of it.  It's also nicer to show off to people when it looks so much more complete.  Best of all, I get the hassle of weaving in the ends done right away, so I don't have it sitting over me for later.

I've really been on a binge knitting spree lately.  I've had a lot of time to sit and work on projects, and the extra money available to pick up a few project kits.  I'm hoping I can keep up the routine, though I have to admit, it was kind skip a pay period for ordering because I still had too much work to do on the projects I was working on.  The sweater and the shawl, even considering the cost of needles, were both pretty inexpensive projects, which is nice.  It means my money goes that much further.

Knitting is an expensive hobby.  I've got to eventually pick up a ball winder and swift, though I have to say, there is something meditative about hand balling yarn.  It's time consuming, but it isn't as much of a hassle as I would have imagined.  I kind of like it.  I guess that means the joy of knitting consumes that many more hours.  Then I need to get blocking pads and pins at some point.  Of course, there's the cost of yarn and patterns, though there are a number of patterns available for free.  The best ones are still paid patterns, or in books, at least where the larger projects are concerned.  If I want to get into sweater knitting, I'm going to have to face purchasing patterns.  It's just something I'm going to have to do.

At least the projects I'm getting are lasting for some time.  I can't imagine how people who crank out knit goods like they're nothing manage to have the money for it all!  I'm sure it's a decent chunk of their budget, plus they look for good deals.  I guess I'll learn to be more thrifty with my knitting as time goes on.  For now, I'm happy with knitting the projects I'm working on and getting the most out of them.  A little knitting seems to go a long way in my life!

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