Sunday, August 29, 2010

And then there was one...

I know it may sound strange, the idea of knitting only one project at a time, but that's where I've been.  In part, circumstance has kept me there.  In part it's a matter of choice.  I know I could start another project.  I could bring the skeins of yarn I have to the LYS with me the next time I go down there, ball them up, and start on my new shawl.  I could easily start up the waist ribbing for the next set of longies.  I could buy some yarn and start up a whole new project to cast on.  Right now, I'm content to stick with one.  Isn't that strange?

Right now I'm kind of stuck with one project.  I finished as much on the gray and teal longies as I could and am at a bit of an enforced stopping point.  I can't continue until I have more of the teal yarn, or I get creative on the whole thing.  Sure, I have two socks cast on and started, but they're not even at the house right now.  I'm stuck with one lonely little project and nothing else to work on.  Do you know what the strangest part is?  Aside from the occasional, yet very rare pang of wishing I had something to break up the endless rows of repeating pattern, I'm happy with one project.

The clapotis isn't really the kind of project I ever thought would turn into dedicated knitting.  I figured it would be something that would turn into my TV project, or my Craftlit project once I had the pattern fairly figured out.  It would be simple, repetitive, and rather dull in a way.  It's not that I wouldn't enjoy it.  I would never deliberately choose a project I wouldn't enjoy, and if I did on chance, I'd probably just give it up, frog it, and start all over.  However, I did think it would be something that I could make rather mindless, something I could use to keep my hands busy while doing other things.

It started out a travel project, until it got too big.  Then when I was no longer able to cart it around with me, I put it down beside the couch to work on while watching television.  That's when we lost cable, so I started listening to Craftlit and other podcasts in my room in stead.  The bag was moved to beside the bed, where I sat and knit most of my projects.  It's still there, tucked beside my bed most nights, the last thing I see before I go to bed at night.  Actually, there's truth to that.  Most nights I've been picking it up from the spot I left it on the bed when I last went off to spend time with my room mates, or got side-tracked with the kids.

This project has become my only project.  I work on it while sitting with friends.  I work on it when watching movies.  It takes up my lap when I listen to podcasts.  I pull it out when I've got a few moments and just want to knit a few rows.  I've even started to notice I pull it out to knit endlessly, even when I've got nothing else going to distract my mind.  It's not like me to spend so much time on one project, or to focus on only one, but I am, and I'm loving it.

I suppose it's a good thing I love it too!  The television in my room doesn't have my VHS/DVD player hooked up yet, so I can't sit and watch television.  I do try to listen to my podcasts, but finding quiet time to listen and knit has been challenging enough with my kids alone.  Now that I've got teenagers blaring their music in the afternoon and a house full of rowdy kids, it makes finding peace and quiet to listen and knit quite challenging.  I could easily see myself falling into the trap of never finishing this project, especially as I want to add a few more pattern repeats so it's long enough for my own personal desires.  I'd end up packing it up and putting it away forever, but here I am, plowing through with it, almost to the point where I need to add extra pattern repeats and I don't even mind in the least!  If only ever knitting project should go as smoothly.

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