Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Leave of Absence from Knitting? What?

I've been busy lately.  I haven't much had the time to do as much as I'd like to do.  I've been really sidetracked with life.  Projects haven't been done.  Hey, until recently, projects haven't even been picked up!  So much for knitting my way back to Boston, right?  It seems like as soon as I made that decision , life got crazy and I had to drop it all.

For the past few weeks I haven't been doing much knitting.  I pick it up now and again, but I haven't really been able to get through more than a couple rows.  It's kind of pathetic, in a way, but it's a sign that life is going it's own direction, which I suppose can be constituted as good.  It means that I'm doing things with my life, but I miss my quiet and calm craft time.  It was peaceful and made me happy.  Now I'm finally getting back to it.

On the project front, I've realized I don't quite have enough yarn to make the striped longies I was planning to make.  I'm just a tiny bit short.  It's no more than a remnant amount, but it's a big deal when you just don't quite have enough!  I'm going to have to get some more yarn to finish it out, but I'm sure that won't be too big of a deal.  If the dye lot doesn't match exactly, it's not going to break my heart.  It's not like I'm going to be selling them commercially.  Since it's just for my own child, a few weird quirks are totally acceptable.

The clapotis is still under way.  I'm kind of wondering why they figured so much yarn was needed for the pattern.  I'm almost done and I still haven't even finished the second ball of yarn.  I'm starting to wonder if four balls was really necessary.  Of course, it's also really short, so I may decide to add a few more repeats to the center section to make it a little longer.  The thought had crossed my mind to frog it all and start from scratch, making it wider, but I decided that would just be too heartbreaking and I couldn't do that to myself if I wanted to!  I may just decide to try and make some arm warmers or a hat or something to go with it with the excess yarn.  Maybe some cute glovelettes would be nice.  I've just got to figure out what to do with that.  Or maybe I'll make something that doesn't even go with it at all, just something random to stand all on it's own.  The possibilities are endless.

So here I am, back in the craft world.  Hopefully I'm going to stay here for more than just a visit!

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