Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's Done!

The clapotis is finished!  It's taken a good while longer than I thought it would.  It's turned out to be quite the lengthy project!  Down to those last decrease rows I was beginning to wonder if it would ever end.  Of course, I was also in anticipation of finally being finished.  I couldn't wait to have it all done so I could wear it out somewhere.  I wanted to know just what it would look like, as if I didn't already have a pretty good idea.  I wanted to see it done!  I wanted that finished product in my hand.

Well, I finished it.  It looks stunning, in my opinion.  I've already worn it out once.  I plan to wear it as often as I can manage.  I absolutely adore it!

In thinking about the whole project, I've decided not to block it.  I was thinking I might, just so that it could have that finished and complete look, but I'm not going to do it yet, at least.  I know I probably should block it, but with this project, it at least looks fine the way it is.  I quite like it unblocked.

Of course, a part of this is my fear of blocking.  I've never had to block anything before, so I'm not entirely sure on the technique to do so.  I know you lay it flat, stretch it into shape, and pin it, but that's about it.  I know you can spray it down to dampen it.  Some people block their garments wet.  Others use steam.  I'm not entirely sure what process works best for what kind of yarn or garment, but I'm curious to try.

All of this work with the clapotis has got me thinking, if I can work on this kind of long-term project, maybe I'm ready for one with a bigger challenge to it all.  Maybe I'm ready for...dare I say it...?  A sweater!

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