Friday, September 24, 2010

Longies, Always Back to the Favorites...

Winter is coming.  That means it's time to make the longies!  Summer has been wonderful, if lacking in knitting.  My littlest has been able to live in his shorties!  The warm weather has been wonderful for exposed legs and bare little feet!  He's been loving every moment of it!

Unfortunately (or fortunately if you're a knitter and like to wear what you make!) winter is coming, not fast as it does in other parts of the world, but with a slow meandering way that it always takes here in Texas.  It starts with days that are pleasantly cool.  Right now we're still hitting those 90° days, but it will soon start to cool off.  The breeze is at least refreshing.  In the evenings, the temperatures drop down around 70°.  Soon the temperatures will start to drop even more and before you know it, you'll want to be all bundled up at night.  It may not happen quickly, but at least by mid-October, you'll probably want "a little something to throw on" at night, and it won't quite be shorts and t-shirt weather anymore.

Thankfully, we knitters are always prepared for times like this, or any knitter who has been at it for a while.  If there aren't already a stock of knits for the whole family, they're probably in the process of being made.  While it's always best to have these made up in the spring and summer, well before they're needed, let's be honest, many knitters, like myself, get side-tracked with other things and end up waiting for the last minute.  Even so, most knitters have a stock of yarn, just waiting to be knit up, plenty to make warm things for the entire family, and quite possibly enough for the extended family too!

For me, this comes with knitting longies.  While these are also quite functional diaper covers for cloth diapers, they also function quite well as warm and snuggley warm pants.  They're the perfect kind of garment for winter, especially for a cloth diapered baby.  Better still, they're pretty quick to whip up, so I could have a whole collection knit up and ready to go by the time the weather is cold enough to need them!  They're practical and save the need of buying warm winter clothes!  Now I just need to find some patterns for sweaters to match!

What I love about this pattern most is the construction.  That ribbing on the bottom is so incredibly cute, and putting it all together is so delightfully easy.  I don't have to worry about gussets or anything like that.  It's such a simple look, and at the same time, so easy to modify to have a bit more personal styling, through colors and slight variations.

I'll admit, at first when my friend picked out the pattern, I figured I'd make it up for her, but I didn't know what I thought about them for my own child.  I'd make up a pair or two, I was sure, but I didn't see them being my favorite.  I thought the look of it was kind of tacky, not fitting the image I had in my head of trendy and classy.  I wanted something that looked a lot more like normal pants.  I made up the longies for her, but I wasn't sure I really liked the way they looked.  I made it up again for a pair of shorties, again, not thrilled with the look, but thinking they were the best shorties I could find.

Well, that's when it happened.  I fell in love.  I absolutely adored the pattern for the shorties once I saw them on my little man.  Now they're my favorite pattern by far!  Doesn't it figure how things turn around like that?

So here I am, preparing for winter.  I'm busting out the wool to knit with.  What am I knitting?  I'm back to my favorite pattern, perhaps my favorite pattern yet!

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