Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Finished the Charcoal Longies!

Well, so much for having the charcoal longies AND the walnut longies done in time for fall use.  I guess it's a good thing they work well for winter too.  I had first intended them for use during the fall, and given how much of a knitter I am, I'd have completely new ones ready for the winter!  I'd still have the fall ones as back-ups, but my sense of fashion would dictate that the fall ones would only be used as a back-up, because seasonally colored would be so much more appropriate.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions...and I hate to say it, I'm well on my way...wait...does that even make sense when it comes to knitting?

So I've gotten them done.  It's a bit late for Halloween, but it's still fall.  He'll have about a month of fall wear left to them before it's on to winter.  Where winter doesn't have ice and snow in Texas, he'll still look fashionably in style to some degree.  The gray matches the pavement.  The brown matches the leafless trees.  Now all I need is a straw color to match all the dry grass we'll get and I'll be good.  I won't even have to knit a whole new set of seasonal longies!

Then there's this whole thing with size and fit.  It's a good thing I didn't anticipate making these ones for fall!  Given he's not soaking quite as bad as he used to, I'm able to get away with not doubling up anything I put him in just to soak up one single pee!  That means I'm no longer giving him this huge, bulky butt!  He's far more trim in the behind these days.  As a result, the longies are, well, all around too big!  I knew they would be long, though they're not painfully so.  I just didn't expect them to be so big around the middle!  Had I known (and planned properly for fall) I would have given him mediums and called it a day.  Of course, then he wouldn't have anything to grow into (which is why I'm knitting the Walnut ones in a large too), so I would have lost out.  How many more months would he have been good with a medium?  And the only problem with the legs is when he crawls.  It pulls the legs down over his feet, and then it pulls the whole crotch and everything down.  Next thing you know his feet aren't even hiding in the ribbing anymore, but leaving a trail of leg behind him!  It's really cute, but not terribly practical.  I've got to think of a crafty, knitterly solution to this problem.  Of course, for the time being it's quite functional for keeping his feet warm!

All in all, I'm quite happy with the outcome.  The longies look fantastic.  They may be big, but he can always grow into them.  That's one thing you never have to worry about with kids, no matter what you do, they have this annoying tendency to grow!  At least I went the right way with my wrong sizing!  After all, how many knitters out there have started a project for a baby, only to have him or her outgrow it before it's ever even finished?  (And how many knitters still have that unfinished project in the closet by the time the intended recipient is in high school?  Well...they'll have babies of their own some day and you'll already be prepared!)

That's one pair of longies down.  I don't even want to think about how many more I need to go before I'm done!  I'd like to have at least one pair of longies for every day of the week, which means I'm one out of seven...that's a start...  Plus I have two pairs to make for my friend, the Artsy Eclectic, over at Otherwise Quite Good.  Barter is a wonderful thing...  Somewhere in all of that I'll be reminded that diapers sometimes soak through, so it might not be a bad idea to have an extra pair in a similar enough color to each that I have that I can plan to co-ordinate appropriately...and I'll buy the yarn for each...and it will swiftly be tossed away in the stash (because I don't need it right NOW) and I'll forget about it...until next year rolls around, and knowing my luck, he'll be potty trained...

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